Friday, August 06, 2004

Elect a hippy?

Sao Paulo TV channel Bandeirantes carried a debate between the seven (count them) candidates for mayor last night. The two front runners, Marta Suplicy of the Workers Party (PT) and the Social Democrat, Jose Serra (PSDB), were less noteworthy for the comments they made (Marta defending her record as the incumbent by citing improvements in education and transport and Serra, as a former health minister, castigating her for failing to improve health) than for the 'peace and love style' which the Folha claimed they both adopted. This meant being less aggressive and avoiding attacking the other candidates.

It's a shame no one bothered to tell their aides about this new approach. Last week the PT threatened to prosecute the PSDB over an article on the latter's website entitled 'Dona Marta and her Two Husbands' (Eduardo Suplicy, from whom she's separated, and the public works in the city).

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